$304,88 - $341,48

Protección de la pierna delantera

Carbon Air «X-Country» son los nuevos protectores desarrollados para ofrecer al caballo la máxima protección en la disciplina Completo. Los elementos de fibra de carbono situados bajo la carcasa aíslan térmicamente las articulaciones del calor generado por el roce y aumentan la resistencia a los impactos.Ofrecen una gran protección y son súper transpirables gracias al respaldo de neopreno perforado. El diseño es moderno y el producto tiene unas características únicas y completas.

– Inserciones de fibra de carbono delanteras y traseras para una mayor protección;
– Estructura anatómica con sistema de construcción patentado;
– NO ABSORBE el agua;
– Forro contra golpes;
– Tomas de aire para una mayor ventilación;
– Protección de 360° para la extremidad;
– Protección total de la extremidad.
– Interior sin costuras para evitar las rozaduras.
– Estabilidad perfecta, probada en condiciones extremas.
– Doble cierre de strap -> Fuerte, fácil y seguro.
– Fácil de limpiar.
– Producto 100% italiano.

7 valoraciones en CARBON AIR X-COUNTRY Front

  1. Alemán

    A R Eventer (propietario verificado)

    After using the Zandona cross country boots on all of my event horses I have found that they are quickly becoming a key part of my kit. They provide the ultimate support for their legs as well as been lightweight and durable for running cross country. They don’t move once there on there on and they don’t hold water! What more could you want in a cross country boot !

  2. Alemán

    Elizabeth (propietario verificado)

    I used to have xc boots that were not very protective even if lightweight and I exchanged them to get something more protective but this time the new boots were not much breathable and my horse’s legs were definitely too hot (not good the her). A friend of mine suggested me to try Zandonà boots and I am grateful for the chance: they are the best boots on the market because the have all the features we event riders ask for: high protection, high breathability, really lightweight and do not hold any water. Cannot suggest them enough!!

  3. Alemán

    Nora (propietario verificado)

    Just received my new Zandonà – Equestrian Carbon Air X-Country boots and I’ve gotta say I am so impressed and excited with these boots! They are very lightweight but offer amazing protection. Many of my other cross country boots are covered in a lightweight material and tend to rip, but these are made of a much stronger carbon fibre. 100% breathable, waterproof, lightweight, sturdy, and they fit great. I also love the double layer velcro closure for a nice secure fit. A true total protection product.

  4. Alemán

    Abbie Burbidge Eventing (propietario verificado)

    They are super easy to use, fit all shape and size legs easily!! As well as being lightweight they do not hold any sweat/water to the leg which has amazed me completely. I have always used Zandonà Show Jump boots and love how easy they are to clean, but the XC boots have just gone to the top of the favourite boot list! One thing when searching for good quality boots is that majority of the boots I have tried always slip when going round, however, these have stayed in place!

  5. Alemán

    Charlie (propietario verificado)

    Awesome boots best protection and comfort as well as a great style. My horse loves them and they keep his legs well protected and supported.

  6. Alemán

    Rebecca (propietario verificado)

    Boots are perfect! TOP quality and they fit properly. They are lightweight and fastening is very secure, so no need to worry of loosing them!

  7. Alemán

    Teagan Carney (propietario verificado)

    My boys have all been jumping in Zandona boots for years. They are so incredibly durable, easy to clean and don’t rub any of their legs. I’ve also recently tried the new XC boots and they are the first pair of boots I haven’t needed to tape up for cross country! They didn’t slip, rub or have any straps come undone during the course. They were also very quick to remove in the cool down which is always important to protect their legs from overheating.
    Couldn’t recommend them highly enough!

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